Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

A Mix of Two Passions – Julia Johnson-Toney »

Julia Johnson Toney, ’20, ’22 (M.A. in I-O Psychology), discovered her passions for psychology and business as an undergraduate. To combine her two passions, she earned her Master’s in I-O Psychology at Meredith.

Psychology major and Wings student, Veronica Harrison, discusses her time at Meredith.

Becoming a Supportive Mentor – Veronica Harrison »

Psychology major Veronica Harrison, ’22, came to Meredith as a student of Wings, an adult education program, where she found her strengths and used them to fuel her passion for mentoring.

Strong Student Mariana Alvarez Gonzalez.

Sharing Stories Through Social Media Marketing – Mariana Alvarez Gonzalez »

Communication major Mariana Alvarez Gonzalez, ’22, built on her strengths at Meredith College through internships and other experiential learning opportunities that helped her land a job in her field.

Communication Strong Student Alison Bunce, discusses her study abroad experience.

Global Communicator – Alison Bunce »

Alison Bunce, ’22, used the skills she learned as a communication major to help pets find new homes.

Senior Ally Cefalu sits in front of Meredith College fountain in her cap and gown.

Combining Biology and Psychology – Ally Cefalu »

Legacy Scholar and Honors student Ally Cefalu, ’22, double majored in biology and psychology, became a Student Assistant, conducted lab research, and formed a strong bond with the Meredith community. After graduating from Meredith, she took her passion for biology and mental health to work as an Analyst I at BioAgilytix.

Suzanna Gracyk

Promoting Health Through Nutrition – Suzanna Gracyk »

Wings student Suzanna Gracyk, ’22, is passionate about promoting health through nutrition. She’ll continue her studies in Meredith’s Master of Science in Nutrition program, with the ultimate goal of becoming a registered dietitian.

Jeanine Carryl

Web Developer – Jeanine Carryl »

Computer science major Jeanine Carryl, ’22, was drawn to STEM fields from an early age. After graduation, she accepted a position as an associate web developer, a role that resulted from her internship.

Celeste Herrera in a maroon cap and gown

Women in Fashion – Celeste J. Herrera »

Fashion merchandising and design major Celeste Herrera, ’22, gained valuable skills and experience through a powerful design internship, her involvement with a professional association, and a faculty mentor.

Aspen Degler

Exploring Career Interests – Aspen Degler »

Transfer student Aspen Degler, ’22, earned a double major in criminology and sociology with a minor in forensics. Meredith’s StrongPoints® program, an internship, and faculty mentors helped her determine her strengths and explore her career interests.

Tylena Brown

Finding A Passion for Human Resources – Tylena Brown »

After sharpening her skills in the United States Marine Corps, Tylena Brown, ’22, chose to attend Meredith College as a Wings — Adult Education student studying business administration with a concentration in human resources.



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