Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

Fostering Strengths-Based Work Environments – Luisa Jaramillo »

Luisa Jaramillo, ’23, chose to earn her M.A. in psychology at Meredith College because of its student-focused program and required internship. She plans to help organizations and leaders make the most of their employees’ strengths.

A Mix of Two Passions – Julia Johnson-Toney »

Julia Johnson Toney, ’20, ’22 (M.A. in I-O Psychology), discovered her passions for psychology and business as an undergraduate. To combine her two passions, she earned her Master’s in I-O Psychology at Meredith.

Cathedia Rose

Improving Employees’ Wellbeing – Cathedia Rose »

Cathedia Rose, ’22, M.A. in psychology, said Meredith’s program gave her the tools to improve hiring practices and performance appraisals with methods backed by a scientific practitioner approach.

Sophie Lee

Choosing a Strengths-Based Career – Sophie Lee »

Psychology major Sophie Lee, ’22, came to Meredith ready to take on new challenges. Identifying her strengths helped her decide on a career path, which includes pursuing a master’s degree in Industrial/Organizational psychology at Meredith.

Student Annie Morin in front of Johnson Hall fountain

Sharing Her Strengths With Others – Annie Morin »

Annie Morin, ’20 is looking forward to beginning a career as an I/O psychologist after graduating with her second psychology degree from Meredith College.



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