Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

Making an Impact in the Field of Nutrition – Anna-Moriah Fung »

Through an internship and honors thesis, nutrition major Anna-Moriah Fung, ’24, has expanded her knowledge and passion for the field. Her next step: pursuing a Master of Public Health from UNC at Chapel Hill.

Suzanna Gracyk

Promoting Health Through Nutrition – Suzanna Gracyk »

Wings student Suzanna Gracyk, ’22, is passionate about promoting health through nutrition. She’ll continue her studies in Meredith’s Master of Science in Nutrition program, with the ultimate goal of becoming a registered dietitian.

Sarah Massey

Exploring the Food Industry Through Internships – Sarah Massey Hester »

Sarah Massey Hester participated in undergraduate research and internships to help fuel her passion for the food industry.

Kate Jablonski

Serving Her Community – Kate Jablonski »

Kate Jablonski, ’16, was inspired to apply her food and nutrition major to help those with eating disorders.

Story tags:

food and nutrition

Lacey Hambridge

Nutrition Health Educator – Lacey Hambridge »

Lacey Hambridge, ’16, ’18 (M.S. in nutrition) conducted undergraduate research and service projects to help children in need and combat hunger through education.



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