Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

Building a More Just Society – Nia Simpson »

Through two internships, sociology and criminology major Nia Simpson, ’24, discovered a passion for working with juveniles and improving the justice system. Next up: Earning a Master of Social Work from NC Central University.

M.A. in criminal justice graduate Johana Calderon Suarez

Advancing My Criminal Justice Career – Johana Calderon Suarez »

Johana Calderon Suarez, ’20, ’22, earned a master’s in criminal justice to advance her criminal justice career and help her community’s most vulnerable people.

Aspen Degler

Exploring Career Interests – Aspen Degler »

Transfer student Aspen Degler, ’22, earned a double major in criminology and sociology with a minor in forensics. Meredith’s StrongPoints® program, an internship, and faculty mentors helped her determine her strengths and explore her career interests.

Natalya Brown

A Triple Major – Natalya Brown »

Inspired by a study abroad experience and with guidance from her faculty mentor, honors student Natalya Brown, ’21, chose to pursue three majors: Spanish, criminology, and sociology. After graduating and working for two years, she received a Fulbright Award.

Henley Peatross playing lacrosse

Leading is Serving – Henley Peatross »

Henley Peatross, ’20, found that her strengths align perfectly with her majors: social work and criminology. She’ll continue to use her strengths while earning her Master of Social Work degree at NC State University,

Image of Jennifer Campbell

Promoting Social Movement and Change – Jennifer Lynn Campbell »

When Jennifer Lynn Campbell, ’18, applied to Meredith as a Wings student, she knew that she wanted to promote social movement and change. She has always had a passion for social justice and wanted to better understand why some people thrive and others struggle.

La’Meshia Whittington

Inspiring Academic Pursuits – La’Meshia Whittington »

La’Meshia Whittington, ’16, is co-founder of TW2 Inc., a nonprofit that she started when she was a teenager.



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