
The whole Meredith community is encouraged to embrace physical wellness. To support physical wellness, you should

  • Engage in regular physical activity
  • Exercise portion control and healthy eating
  • Take measures to reduce stress and sleep well

Active Living

There are a number of on-campus facilities and programs for students that promote physical wellness and healthy behaviors, including

Fitness Center

The on-campus Lowery Fitness Center offers fitness equipment, exercise classes and student trainers to help get you in tip-top shape.

Health Center

The on-campus health center provides services to students when they aren’t feeling their best.


The Capital Area Greenway System runs through Meredith’s campus. It’s a network of public open spaces and recreational trails for walking, hiking, biking, nature study, and more. 

Move More, Meredith

Move More, Meredith is a network of routes around campus that are ideal for walking or jogging. Download the map »

Healthy Eating

Resources students may use to learn about and practice healthy eating.

Contact Information
Mary Johnson
110 Student Health and Wellness Center