2024-25 Tuition – Post-Baccalaureate Licensure in the Arts 

$500 per credit hour plus program fee of $100

Student Fees:

There will be a one-time fee for student teaching and a one-time fee for completing the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT).  

Note: Tuition is charged based on the number of credit hours, not on the format of instruction, which may vary.

Thank you for your Interest!

You can connect with a graduate admissions counselor in a variety of ways—choose the one that’s most convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you!

(919) 760-8316

Strong Story | Larissa Byrant

After graduating with her MAT, Larissa Bryant, ’13, was well prepared to become a teacher and to have a positive impact on her students’ future.

After graduating with her MAT, Larissa Bryant, ’13, was well prepared to become a teacher and to have a positive impact on her students’ future.

Contact Information  
207 Ledford Hall
(919) 760-8316
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