Applicants to the John E. Weems Graduate School must have completed a bachelor’s degree program from a regionally accredited four-year institution.   

All applications for admission to the Post-Baccalaureate Licensure in the Arts program are considered ready for review after the following materials listed have been submitted to the Graduate Programs Office:

  • Application completed online; nonrefundable $25 transcript evaluation fee or waiver required. Online payment is available upon submission of the application.
  • An official copy of your undergraduate transcript(s) for evaluation.

Application deadlines:

April 1 (Summer and Early Fall decision)
July 1 (Fall Final decision)
November 1 (Spring decision)

Any mailed materials should be sent to:

Graduate Programs Office
Meredith College
3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-5298

Next steps:
Once a complete application has been received, the applicant may be contacted for additional information. The Department of Education Licensure Officer and corresponding Content Area representative will conduct an evaluation of the submitted transcripts. After receiving the written evaluation, contact the Department of Education to schedule an appointment with an advisor. During your meeting, a planned program will be prepared and further information about admission will be furnished.

During the semester in which a Post-Baccalaureate Licensure in the Arts student completes nine (9) Graduate level credit hours at Meredith College, the student must apply for formal admission to the Teacher Education program to become a Teacher Candidate. Becoming a Teacher Candidate requires, among other things, successful completion of a background check and an earned GPA of 2.75 or higher in the Meredith College Post-Baccalaureate Licensure in the Arts program. Students must obtain admission to the Teacher Education Program to continue in the Post-Baccalaureate Licensure in the Arts Program at Meredith College.

Thank you for your Interest!

You can connect with a graduate admissions counselor in a variety of ways—choose the one that’s most convenient for you. We look forward to hearing from you!
(919) 760-8316

Strong Story | Larissa Byrant

After graduating with her MAT, Larissa Bryant, ’13, was well prepared to become a teacher and to have a positive impact on her students’ future.

After graduating with her MAT, Larissa Bryant, ’13, was well prepared to become a teacher and to have a positive impact on her students’ future.

Contact Information  
207 Ledford Hall
(919) 760-8316
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