Henley Peatross, ’20, found that her strengths align perfectly with her majors: social work and criminology. She’ll continue to use her strengths while earning her Master of Social Work degree at NC State University,

When Jennifer Lynn Campbell, ’18, applied to Meredith as a Wings student, she knew that she wanted to promote social movement and change. She has always had a passion for social justice and wanted to better understand why some people thrive and others struggle.

As a sociology and criminology major, Bailey Dunn, ’15, conducted in-depth undergraduate research.


Meredith College prepares women graduates for careers in criminology through a focus on leadership development, multiple internships, and opportunities to connect with local, state, and national professionals in the field.

Meredith College prepares women graduates for careers in criminology through a focus on leadership development, multiple internships, and opportunities to connect with local, state, and national professionals in the field.

Contact Information
Lori Brown
Program Coordinator, Criminology
212 Lux Hall
(919) 760-8590
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