
Thank you for your interest in supporting Meredith College.

Your gift means the world to us – and to our students. That’s why we want to be sure we’re honoring your intentions for your donation.

First, what kind of impact would you like your gift to have?

I want my gift to make an immediate impact.

Consider a cash gift or other type of contribution to the operating budget of the College. You have the option to designate your gift for a specific purpose.

Also a planned gift will help you continue a legacy at Meredith College for generations.

I want my gift to make a lasting impact.

Consider making a gift to the College’s endowment. The “draw-down” from the endowment, typically 4-5% per year beginning three years after the gift is made, is considered spendable income and may be used for your specified purposes.

I want my gift to make both an immediate and lasting impact.

Make a gift that provides immediate impact on the College and make a separate gift for the endowment to provide a “forever fund” for your priority.

Now, what programs do you want your gift to support?

Here are some options for directing your gift:

  • The most pressing needs of the college – emergency funds to meet a risk or start-up costs to take advantage of a special opportunity
  • Faculty and staff development – technology training, conference presentations, new curricular development, or quality assessment and assurance
  • Student experiential development – study abroad, unpaid internships, research projects, presentations at conferences
  • Initial scholarships – funds to recruit students who will most benefit from and contribute to the academic and community spirit of the College
  • Opportunity scholarships – funds to support students who are succeeding academically but facing financial burdens so severe they may have to drop out
  • Structural enhancements, repairs, or reinforcements – funds to keep our campus strong, effective, and functional
  • Technological enhancements, repairs, or reinforcements – resources to maintain and enhance campus technology
  • Start-up or operating funds – funds to finance new projects or initiatives
  • Campus beautification – part of our heritage and one of our best recruitment tools! Landscaping, aesthetic repairs, and refurbishments


If you need more information or would like to support an area or program that you don’t see here, please contact our Institutional Advancement team.

Contact Information 
Jennifer Kaisersatt
Administrative Assistant to the Associate VP of Institutional Advancement
(919) 760-8374