Start your strong future.

Going Strong

Group of students socializing outside Johnson Hall.

The college search process can feel like a lot. But we’re here to help! The Admissions Blog provides guidance for every stage of your search, from whether you need to know your major before you apply (you don’t) to how to prepare to move into your residence hall. There are even blog posts just for families. Explore the Admissions Blog.

Combining Strengths and Leadership Skills

Through StrongPoints®, leadership opportunities, and internships, Mary Maul, ’24, gained valuable skills while at Meredith and will apply those skills in a full-time position at SAS.

Through a wide range of leadership roles, faculty support, and internships, international studies and political science major Danika Ray, ’24, gained confidence and skills that will set her up for success in her studies at Campbell Law School.

Olivia Roy, ’25, has combined two of her passions, dance and psychology, to positively impact others with dance therapy. Meredith has provided her with opportunities to reach her career aspirations.

Meredith College Presidential Seal

About Meredith College's Ninth President

Meredith News

Meredith College has recently launched a commercial photo site where alumnae, students, and friends of the College can purchase professional photos for gifts, decor, and more.

A comprehensive accessibility resource is now available on to help connect prospective students, future employees, alumnae, and other campus visitors with information about accommodations and Meredith’s physical accessibility resources.