Strong Stories Blog

Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.

Sophie Cook

The Power of Strong Connections – Sophie Cook »

Exercise and Sport Sciences major Sophie Cook, ’23, built strong connections with her peers and faculty, which helped her land an internship that turned into a full-time job.

Kimberly Schuh

Combining Movement and Education – Kimberly Schuh »

Honors Scholar and dual-sport athlete Kimberly Schuh, ’21, became an elementary P.E. teacher after graduation, a career that combines her interests in movement and education.

Lauren Grodi

Using Her Strengths to Help Others – Lauren Grodi »

Exercise and Sports Science major Lauren Grodi, ’20, used her strengths at Meredith as volleyball team captain, student researcher, and intern. She continues to use them while earning her doctorate in physical therapy at East Carolina University.

Meredith student-athlete Essence Thomas

Exercise as Medicine – Essence Thomas »

Exercise and sports science major Essence Thomas, ’20, plans to become a physical therapist with the armed services after she graduates.

Headshot of Brittany Preston

Making a Difference – Brittany Preston »

After Brittany Preston, ’19, graduated from Meredith she headed to Liberty University to earn a Master of Science in exercise science and wellness with a concentration in fitness and performance.

Profile photo of Sarah Arbes holding a lacrosse stick across her shoulders

A Passion for Athletics – Sarah Arbes »

After completing her undergraduate degree, Sarah Arbes, ’19, returned to Meredith to earn a Master of Arts in Teaching with a concentration in health and physical education.

Profile photo of Charley Cox in her softball jersey

Building Healthy Lives – Charley Cox »

As an exercise and sports science major, Charley Cox, ’19, knew when she arrived at Meredith College that she wanted to pursue an education career and help build healthier lives within her community.

Profile photo of Cheyanne Moxley with the Lowery Fitness Center in the background

Achieving Her Goals – Cheyanne Moxley »

Cheyanne Moxley, ’19, transferred to Meredith, where the individual attention and support from her faculty helped her land a job right after graduation as an exercise physiologist

Profile photo of Kirstie King

From Athlete to Coach – Kirstie King »

As a two-sport student-athlete, exercise and sports science major Kirstie King, ’19, has learned the importance of a healthy balance on and off the competition fields.

Profile photo of Cooper Rodriguez standing in front of bookshelf full of books

Leading On Campus – Cooper Rodriguez Hale »

By studying abroad in London, landing a summer internship in Texas, and serving with multiple on-campus organizations, Cooper Rodriguez, ’18,  found her place at Meredith College.



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