Are you interested in:
- Teaching
Becoming a teacher at Meredith College is a win-win process: you major in one of the majors available at Meredith, decide on whether you want to be a birth-kindergarten or elementary teacher; a middle or secondary teacher in one of the core areas; a career and technical education teacher in family and consumer sciences; a K-12 licensed teacher in one of the arts, health and physical education, or Spanish. At Meredith, you receive a strong liberal arts education through the General Education program, study your content, then you take courses in the professional teacher licensure program. You will have an in depth understanding of the content you will teach and your professional education courses will prepare you to teach by learning to design instruction for all students, execute effective lessons, and assess not only your students but also your teaching. You can begin taking required licensure courses as a sophomore, and after taking one education course, you can apply to the teacher education program.
Types of jobs:
- Teach students at any grade level in public, private, or charter schools
Attend graduate school for:
- Academically and intellectually gifted education (AIG)
- College professor
- Curriculum and instruction specialist
- Educational leadership (school administration)
- English as a second language (ESL)
- Further study in content area
- Reading specialist
- Research and evaluation
- Special Education
Options for the major:
- Attend the information session for first-year students who are interested in teaching
- Attend the Orientation to Teacher Education in the fall or spring of your sophomore year
- Earn a B.A.or B.S. majoring in the subject you want to teach – choose your passion and develop a deep understanding of that discipline
- Join Meredith Educators, a group that organizes speakers and sponsors special activities for students interested in teaching
- Accept an invitation to join Kappa Delta Pi, the education honor society
- Participate in child center and school-based field placements
- Take the first-year critical thinking seminar called “Education Under Fire!” as an elective for an opportunity to debate important issues in education and to visit schools
- Teaching during your semester-long student teaching internship
Professional associations:
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- Council for Exceptional Children
- Dance Association for NC Educators
- Foreign Language Association of North Carolina
- Kappa Delta Pi
- N.C. Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- National Art Education Association
- National Association for Educators of Young Children
- National Association for Gifted Children
- National Association of Secondary School Principals
- National Council for the Social Studies
- National Council of the Teachers of English
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- National Science Teachers Association
Career outlook:
All areas of teaching are expected to grow during the next 10 years. Employment growth will vary by region and area of licensure.
Additional information:
Meredith’s teacher education program »
The faculty and staff in the Department of Education work closely with public school teachers and administrators. This helps us design programs to prepare you for real classrooms. We see you as a future teacher-leader!
Contact Information
1st Floor, Park Center
(919) 760-8088
What can I do with a major in...?
- Accounting
- Art Education
- Biology
- Birth to Kindergarten Licensure
- Business Administration
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- Chemistry
- Child Development
- Communication
- Computer Science
- Criminology
- Dance
- Economics
- Elementary Education Licensure
- English
- Classroom to Career – Environmental Sustainability
- Exercise & Sports Science
- Family & Consumer Sciences
- Family & Consumer Sciences Education Licensure
- Fashion Merchandising & Design
- Food & Nutrition
- Graphic Design
- History
- Interior Design
- International Studies
- Mathematics
- Middle or High School Education Licensure
- Music
- Music Education
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Religious & Ethical Studies
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Studio Art
- Teacher Education
- Theatre