One of the most common myths about study abroad is that it is too expensive. There are program options and financial resources available that keep the costs of studying abroad similar, if not less than, the costs of studying on campus.
Meredith College students have a variety of funding options when it comes to study abroad including loans and scholarships. Financial aid may travel with you and study abroad scholarships are available through the Office of International Programs and national organizations. Study abroad is an academic, personal, and career investment in yourself that requires advanced planning and budgeting.
Register for a Study Abroad Funding Workshop
- Learn more about study abroad program costs and estimated additional expenses
- Create your own budget
- Discuss financial assistance and scholarship opportunities
- Plan ahead to meet deadlines
- Brainstorm creative ways to save and plan for this important investment
Meredith Abroad Faculty-led Programs
Study abroad fees and additional costs vary by program and location. Program-specific budgets for faculty-led programs are available on each program brochure.
Meredith Affiliate Programs
Costs for affiliate study abroad programs vary widely. Most providers post budgets for program fees and additional expenses online.
Study Abroad Fee
Students participating on affiliate programs will be charged a $500 study abroad fee.
Meredith Abroad Faculty-led Programs
Study abroad program fees will be billed to your student account through the Office of International Programs.
Meredith Affiliate Programs
The study abroad fee of $500 will be charged to your student account through the Office of International Programs prior to departure.
For most affiliate programs, the provider will bill you directly.