Powerful stories of the Meredith community going strong.
At Meredith, Beth Garner, ’14, M.A. in Teaching, found flexibility, guidance, and financial support through a FELS grant to achieve her goal of becoming an ESL teacher.
La’Na Holden, ’19, M.Ed., returned to school to obtain her M.Ed. because she is passionate about always looking for ways to grow and learn.
Abla Awadallah, ’19, M.A. in Teaching, dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but after teaching refugees abroad, she discovered a newfound love.
After working in the technology industry for ten years, Ashlee Little, ’18, M.A. in Teaching, decided it was time for a change.
At Meredith College, Jennifer Miske, ’16, M.Ed., found role models among Meredith’s faculty as well as her passion for working with academically and intellectually gifted (AIG) students.
After working as a teaching assistant in a kindergarten class, Zipporah Whiteman, ’18, M.A. in Teaching, came to Meredith College to develop her passion for education.
Teaching Fellow and psychology major Aly Mann, ’17, explored her strengths through a variety of experiences.
Chris Doi, ’16, M.A. in Teaching (M.A.T.), turned his pastime of working with children into a profession and is now an English language arts teacher.
Larissa Bryant, ’13, earned her M.A. in Teaching at Meredith in order to have a positive impact on her students’ future.
Yi Deng, ’15, earned a Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) with plans to work as an elementary school teacher at a bilingual immersion school.
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