Are you interested in:

  • Creating more efficient and equitable public policies
  • Solving global problems
  • Collecting and organizing data to solve real life issues
  • Challenging assumptions about economic systems
  • Making and debating arguments
  • Earning a salary that is among the highest for all majors


Economics is all about understanding choices made by people, societies, or governments in the face of limited resources and unlimited wants. Majoring in economics will develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills as you learn how to explain choices in the context of costs and benefits. The tools learned in the economics major can be applied to any number of topics: global poverty, education, pollution, healthcare, the distribution of wealth, international trade, economic relations between countries – even to the decisions people make when playing popular video games. Moreover, the study of economics explores these topics from both a macro (big picture) and micro (individual level) viewpoint. The economics major at Meredith focuses on practical applications of economics to everyday situations and problems. It offers great flexibility and can easily be combined with another major.

Types of jobs:

  • Financial advisor
  • Economic development coordinator
  • Community affairs advisor
  • Budget analyst
  • Public affairs specialist
  • Data analyst
  • Healthcare industry
  • Marketing research
  • Nonprofit manager
  • Public administrator
  • Lawyer
  • Economist


Attend graduate school for:

  • Law degrees
  • Graduate studies in economics
  • Master in Business Administration (M.B.A.)
  • Public policy


Options for the major:

  • B.A. in economics
  • Double major or minor in business administration, finance, international business, marketing, human resources management, or accounting
  • Double major with mathematics and/or minor in statistics for graduate school or careers in healthcare, data analytics, or informatics
  • Double major/minor in political science or international affairs for careers in politics, diplomatic affairs, or government agencies
  • Economics majors must complete a research project or an internship, and many students do both
    • Research projects are recommended for students who are interested in graduate school
    • Internships are recommended for students interested in careers right out of college
    • Other experiential learning opportunities include participating in student organizations closely linked with a career path, such as the Meredith Accounting and Finance Association, the American Marketing Association, or the International Student Association.


Professional associations:


Career outlook:

Market research analyst
Financial analyst
Loan officer
Budget analyst
Revenue agent

Additional information:

Meredith’s economics major »

The career outlook for students with an undergraduate major in economics depends upon the path chosen. Students who combine economics with finance, mathematics, or statistics will have the greatest opportunity. Employees with the skills to analyze data and understand the business implications of decisions are projected to be in very high demand through 2020.