Meredith in Italy Semester Application Process
1. Applicant Profile Form:
Online Applicant Profile for Meredith in Italy Semester
2. Withdrawal and Refund Policy:
Read and sign: Withdrawal and Refund Policy
3. References:
Send the following links to your faculty adviser and two professors. Your faculty adviser may also serve as one of your academic references.
- Adviser Reference Form
- Send link to your faculty adviser
- Academic Reference Form
- Send to two faculty and include the following:
- Your Name
- Course(s) You’ve Taken with Your Faculty Reference
- Study Abroad Program Choice
- Term Abroad (ex: Fall 2024)
- Send to two faculty and include the following:
4. Short Answer Questions:
5. $100 Application Deposit:
Your deposit must be submitted to the Office of International Programs in a check to Meredith College, exact cash, or money order made payable to Meredith College. We are unable to accept credit card deposit payments.
6. Download Your Program’s Financial Planning Worksheet:
Review and download/print your program’s financial planning worksheet from this page to prepare for your meeting with Financial Assistance.
7. Virtual Meeting with Office of Financial Assistance:
All applicants are required to schedule a meeting with Ms. Judith Schram in the Office of Financial Assistance.
- Schedule an appointment with Judith Schram in the Office of Financial Assistance.
- When you schedule your appointment, include the following information:
- Your name
- The name of the study abroad program to which you are applying
- Term Abroad (Ex: Fall 2024)
- Before meeting with the Office of Financial Assistance, we strongly recommend that you attend a Study Abroad Funding Workshop.
Additional forms specific to Non-Meredith College Applicants
Complete and mail the following items to the address at the bottom of this page:
- Study Abroad Advisor Reference (Non-Meredith students only)
- Non-degree Application (Non-Meredith students only)
- Background Check and $35 processing fee (Non-Meredith students only)
The Office of International Programs (OIP) is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations during the study abroad application process to students with documented disabilities. Students who need accommodations for equal access to the study abroad application process should contact the OIP at
Mailing Address
Office of International Programs
Meredith College
3800 Hillsborough Street
Lux 124
Raleigh, NC 27607
Contact Information
124 Lux Hall
(919) 760-2307