Meredith COVID-19 Updates for June 3, 2020

This news roundup will be a regular feature in Campus Connections throughout the summer. Items are either of interest to faculty/staff or on topics about which students may ask questions.

  • Reopening Transition Plan for June 2020: A plan for a phased reopening of campus offices was shared with faculty/staff via emp_all on June 1. The message emphasized that guidance and directives from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and from the Governor’s office inform Meredith’s  decisions, policies, and practices.
  • Community Standards: Also announced on June 1 were Meredith College Community Standards that were developed with the safety and well-being of all in mind, and outline our collective responsibilities.  The community standards will be updated as guidance changes and as Meredith’s plans for 2020-21 are solidified.
  • Fall Planning Information: The College’s COVID-19/coronavirus updates site now includes Fall Planning information. This information will continue to be updated throughout the summer. View a message about reopening from President Jo Allen
  • Study Abroad Update: The Fall 2020 Meredith in Italy program and study abroad in fall affiliate programs, have been cancelled. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Meredith’s Office of International Programs has continuously reviewed global travel advisories as well as local public health risks and regulations for the countries where our students study. The decision not to resume study abroad in Fall 2020 was made, in partnership with the Meredith College Health Center and the Provost’s Office, based on a review of current CDC and U.S. State Department Travel Advisory Levels, which are expected to remain beyond our threshold for risk during the fall; current health advisories and safety requirements in program locations; and advice from local contacts and peer institutions in program locations.

Employee Resources Available on MyMeredith: A reminder that HR is compiling resources for employees during the pandemic on the HR MyMeredith page. Visit MyMeredith for more information.

For more updates on Meredith’s response to COVID-19, visit the coronavirus information section of, which includes key points, regularly updated FAQs, an archive of community messages, and more. Visit the site at

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330