Senior and senior parents and families we invite you to celebrate your upcoming graduation from Meredith! Download one of these yard signs and share it with your local printer to commemorate your accomplishment. Congratulations!
There are many ways to get involved in the Alumnae Association, and we encourage your participation in the following events and programs:
Alumnae Reunion Weekend
All alumnae are invited to attend Alumnae Reunion Weekend. However, classes celebrate special class reunion on a five-year cycle. For example, all classes ending in an 8 or 3 will be celebrating a special class reunion in May of 2023. Alumnae Reunion Weekend invites alumnae to reminisce with friends and relive their Meredith days. Over the course of a weekend, alumnae are invited to a special class party, the Annual Meeting of the Alumnae Association, individual class events and an Alumnae Worship Service. Alumnae also have the option to stay on campus in the Residence Halls.
Chapters allow alumnae to gather within specific geographical areas and typically meet two times per year. We have more than 30 alumnae chapters, so there may be one in your area. If there is not an active chapter in your area and you would be interested in starting one, please contact the Alumnae Office.
Career and Networking Opportunities
The Networking Angels group offers regular opportunities to network in a social setting. Each event strives to highlight alumnae-owned business, success stories, and offer tips for job seekers. The purpose of the group is to support fellow alumnae professionally.
Alumnae are encouraged to use the resources in Academic & Career Planning as you job search or seek career changes. In addition to individual appointments, alumnae may take advantage of job fairs, job postings, resume and interview advice. You can also become a member of the LinkedIn group managed by Academic and Career Planning. This resource will link you to other Meredith Angels.
Alumnae Business Directory
Are you a Meredith alumna who owns a business? The Office of Alumnae Relations is seeking to provide the Meredith community with a list of STRONG alumnae business owners from all over the country in a wide variety of industries. We hope this resource will encourage networking and provide support for alumnae-owned businesses.
Angel Adventures
Angel Adventures, the Meredith College Alumnae Travel program, allows alumnae and friends to travel along with the Meredith community. MC in NYC is an annual trip to New York City each November. International trips have included: Sansepolcro, Italy, Paris, France, London, England and a Scandinavian cruise. Typically, the College offers one domestic and two international trips per academic year in addition to the weekend in NYC.
2024 Date TBA
Held in conjunction with Cornhuskin’, alumnae and friends are invited to a weekend full of campus activities! Highlights for the weekend include the Golden Oaks Society Luncheon, Can Art, Homecoming Happy Hour, brunch, class competition, Homecoming Picnic, Kids Zone, and tours.
Should you have questions, please contact the Office of Alumnae Relations at (919) 760-8548 or alumnae@meredith.edu.
Discover Meredith
Do you know a prospective Meredith student? Whether she is your daughter, student, babysitter or neighbor, you and your prospective student(s) are invited to Discover Meredith. This exclusive open day for alumnae and their prospective student(s) is held each fall. The day includes a student and alumnae panel, campus traditions tour, and a luncheon on campus. All open houses are listed on the Admissions website and registration buttons are available when dates are set.
Alumnae Virtual Book Club
Make plans to join our Virtual Book Club via ZOOM on the first Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. EST. The full listing of books, authors, and meeting dates for 2024 can be found below.
January 9 – The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O’Farrell
February 6 – Tom Lake by Ann Patchett
March 5 – Only One Life by Ashley Farley, ’87 discussion and author chat
April 2 – Horse by Geraldine Brooks
May 7 – Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano
June 4 – The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise by Colleen Oakley discussion and author chat
July 2 – The House on Biscayne Bay by Chanel Cleeto
August 6 – The Breakaway by Jennifer Weiner
September 3 – Rules for the Southern Rulebreaker by by Katherine Snow Smith
October 1 – March by Geraldine Brooks
November 5 – The Women by Kristin Hannah
December 3 – The Book Woman’s Daughter by Kim Michele Richardson
Student Community Employment
Meredith students are known to be exceptionally responsible employees. Learn more about hiring a Meredith College student for part-time and off-campus employment.
Contact Information
Mae Grimmer Alumnae House
(919) 760-8548