A Retrospective of nearly 50 years of Composing: Tom L. Lohr, Faculty Recital

Carswell Concert Hall Wainwright Music Building

A Retrospective of nearly 50 years of Composing: Tom L. Lohr. Piano faculty member Tom Lohr celebrates almost 50 years of compositions with special guests Susan McClaskey Lohr, piano; Sally Thomas, soprano; and Gordon Kreplin, guitar. The beginning of this program will include music, especially for young music students ages 5 and up. Tom L. […]

Ray & Maya Kilburn Piano and Violin Guest Artist Recital

Carswell Concert Hall Wainwright Music Building

Ray & Maya Kilburn Piano and Violin Guest Artist Recital Meredith College is excited to welcome guest artists Ray & Maya Kilburn to perform pieces by L.V. Beethoven, Astor Piazzolla, Mel Bonis, and Sergei Prokofiev. Maya Kilburn is a proud recipient of a Kovner Fellowship at The Juilliard School, where she studies with Donald Weilerstein […]