at Meredith College

The self-designed, or contract, major allows highly focused and motivated students to design a unique course of study. This option is ideal if you would like to combine coursework in several disciplines or pursue a specific topic in depth within or across disciplines.

Contact Information
Shelly McMahon
141 Johnson Hall 
(919) 760-8593

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“Meredith taught me that I am strong and independent, but I should never be afraid to ask for help when I need it because I know I can always turn to my mentors for advice and direction.”
Nabiha Kahn
Nabiha Khan, ’20
Student Wearing Meredith Ring Writing in Notebook.

Self-Designed Major Options

There are two types of self-designed majors available to current students: departmental and interdisciplinary. Departmental contract majors primarily include courses within the particular department or school but may include courses from other disciplines. Interdisciplinary majors allow students to combine coursework from multiple disciplines. 

All self-designed majors must be approved by the Academic Council, which oversees the curriculum at Meredith. Read more about how to design your own major.

  • Art History
  • Arts Management 
  • Chinese Studies
  • French/Francophone
  • Media Writing 
  • Musical Theatre
  • Political Science and Ethical and Moral Character Development
  • Public Policy

Self-Designed Major Strong Stories

Annie Poslusny, ’19, dreamed of going back to school to study art history. With an undergraduate degree in French, she chose to earn a second undergraduate degree with a self-designed contract major in art history.

Naba Khan, ’15, came to Meredith loving science. Determined to leave her mark in the community, Khan earned a degree in biochemistry while being actively involved in undergraduate research, campus traditions, and student organizations.

Contact Information
141 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8593