Resources as Your Student Closes Out the Semester

The final week of the semester is here and your student may be feeling overwhelmed or anxious with exams or final projects. Below is a list of resources that may be helpful for your student. 

Counseling Center 

All Counseling Center services are free and are confidential. The Counseling Center offers individual, short term counseling; crisis services; outreach and training; psychological consultation, resources, and referral; and disability services. They also have drop-in problem-solving hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10 a.m. and drop-in crisis hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 1 p.m. Freshmen can also contact their success coach

To schedule an appointment with the Counseling Center or learn about other resources visit

Residence Life
As students are moving out of the residence halls for winter break please have them check with their residence director for details on the proper procedures for preparing their room. 

If your student has questions about who to contact about residence hall or apartment issues, there are several ways in which residents can share their feedback, concerns, requests, or needs.

Below is a reference guide that can assist resident students in communicating and resolving their concerns:

Resident Life Experiences
The Residence Life team is committed to continual improvement based on student feedback. Encourage students to reach out to Carrie Barhart, Director of Residence Life, directly with any concerns they may have regarding their interactions with a residence life team member so that they can be addressed effectively.

If students are in immediate need of assistance during business hours, they may contact the Residence Life office. After hours, residents can contact campus security and the critical response team if they are in immediate need of assistance. The on-call team member can be contacted by calling (919) 612-6350 in case of an emergency. 

Maintenance Repairs (i.e. repairs that are non-emergencies)
For repairs that are not impacting immediate safety, resident students can submit work orders through the facilities website. If they have not received a follow-up from facilities staff during the stated time frame, please have the student contact for next steps.

Non-repair Maintenance Requests (i.e. issues regarding the cleanliness of communal spaces, pests, temperature controls, etc.)

A resident student who has a non-repair maintenance request should submit a work order and the request will be routed to the correct team for addressing it. If a request has not been addressed in a reasonable timeframe, please have your student contact the director of facilities or

Other Resources for Parents and Families
The Parents and Families website is always available for you to find information to help your student. Please use this resource to find information such as the academic calendar, tuition payment deadlines, campus store hours, registration deadlines from the registrar, career planning information, and more. 


Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330