Meredith Holds 22nd Annual Celebrating Student Achievement Day

Meredith College’s 22nd annual Celebrating Student Achievement (CSA) Day was held on Thursday, April 18, 2024.  

This Meredith tradition offered a full day showcasing student work, from the 8:30 a.m. poster session in the Carlyle Campbell Library to departmental events in the evening. There were 11 oral presentation sessions and more than 30 posters. 

Presentation topics ranged from “Exploring Health Outcomes, Food Security, and Resilience Strategies among Latinx Residents in N.C. High Country” and “The Evolution of Pro-Democracy Movements in China 1989-2014” to “Examining Women’s Health Equity with Machine Learning Techniques” and “Forecasting Energy Stock Prices Utilizing Historical Data and Time Series Analysis.”

In addition to the academic research presentations, CSA Day also featured awards ceremonies for achievement in academics and leadership. Other sessions included The Colton Review reveal, an interior design showcase, and the senior fashion show.

New this year was the Sensory Performance Showcase, which was organized by SarahElla Trustman, ’24, student representative on the CSA Day Planning Committee. The showcase featured performances from several Meredith groups, a loom and live-action painters from the Art Department, and a Sensory Panel provided by the Department of Nutrition, Health and Human Performance. 

The campus community, including fellow students, faculty, staff, and families, was able to experience the results of Meredith students’ efforts.

“CSA Day is an amazing way that Meredith College can display the hard work of its students all across campus,” said Brooke Herring, ’24, a health, exercise & sport sciences major. “From research to posters to presentations, to award ceremonies and honor society inductions, I have been able to truly see the depth and devotion of the students’ love for learning, as well as Meredith’s desire to recognize their constant efforts.” 

Learn more about Undergraduate Research at Meredith

Melyssa Allen

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