Model UN
The Meredith Model United Nations Club is open to all Meredith College students who want to develop cultural understanding and participate in intercollegiate diplomacy. The club sends a delegation each fall to the Atlanta-based Southern Regional Model United Nations conference, where students have represented Bangladesh, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Russia and the International Alliance for Women, while competing against other colleges and universities from across the country. Meredith delegations have earned awards for superior performance.

Sigma Iota Rho Honor Society
Sigma Iota Rho, a chapter of the International Studies national honor society, is open to international studies students who are at least junior-standing, have completed 21 hours in international studies courses with a GPA of at least 3.3, and have at least a 3.2 GPA overall. Interested students must submit an application to the faculty advisor to be considered for induction to Sigma Iota Rho.

For more information contact Dr. Jeff Martinson
phone: (919) 760-8540