Barbara Shantz

Barbara Shantz, ’17, a student in Meredith’s Wings Adult Education program, traveled to Peru with the Business School. She shared the following reflection about her experience:

“The Meredith College Business School and International Programs worked with me to find a way to be a part of this trip. I’ve been surprised at how accepting the non-Wings members have been in having an adult student along. For me, it has been very fun to spend concentrated time with younger students. I have had other international culture and business experiences that make me deeply appreciate all the work that has gone into the trip. Seeing everything work so seamlessly has been great.”

“The best part has been being able to get a close-up look into the business meetings arranged for us. For example, imagine that this morning we were able to spend an hour and a half with the marketing executive of 3M Andean Region (Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay and Bolivia)! How often is THAT possible? His presentation explained the product divisions and processes from product creation through marketing metrics for salespeople. We learned that innovation is such a top priority with 3M, all staff are encouraged to spend 15% of their work time thinking about how to improve the company and its products … We were allowed to ask any question we wanted. Some of the questions we asked were about women in leadership. We were all very impressed to hear that through a meritocratic diversity program, over 15 years, approximately 50% of their Andean management team are now women.”

“As with all of my Meredith courses, I will be able to return to work and school, implementing the thought processes that I have learned, immediately.”

Learn more about Wings – Adult Education at Meredith

Learn more about Meredith’s study abroad programs