Emergency Planning / Bomb Threats
Bomb threats must be treated as a serious matter.
- All threats must be considered real.
- Allow proper authorities to make evacuation decisions. Early evacuation before the evacuation route has been searched may place more people in jeopardy than not evacuating at all.
- Call Campus Police at 8888.
If suspicious object or potential bomb is discovered:
- Do not handle the object.
- Evacuate the immediate area and call Campus Police at 8888.
- Be sure to include the location and appearance of the object when reporting.
If a phone bomb threat is received, try to ask the caller the following questions and record the answers:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What does it look like?
- Why did you place the bomb?
Keep the caller talking as long as possible and try to determine and record the following information:
- Time of call
- Sex and approximate age of caller
- Speech pattern
- Emotional state of caller
- Background noise.
After evacuation, report to the Emergency Assembly Area. DO NOT RE-ENTER THE BUILDING UNTIL INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY AUTHORITIES.
Contact Information
Ann Gleason, chair of Meredith’s Incident Response Team
(919) 760-8521