Student Organizations

Meredith Advocates for Young Children

Meredith Advocates for Young Children (MAYC) is an organization devoted to helping shape the future, development, and education of young children. MAYC gives students the opportunity to become involved in the community and develop a professional network. The group’s monthly meetings feature guest speakers or workshops that focus on working with young children and their families and careers related to child development. The organization also conducts one service project per year.

Meredith Alliance for Children in Healthcare Settings (MACHS)

Meredith Alliance for Children in Healthcare Settings (MACHS) is a multidisciplinary organization devoted to supporting, advocating, and promoting positive developmental experiences of children and families in all aspects of healthcare settings, including social, emotional, and physical development. MACHS allows students to learn about professions in healthcare, and to participate in community engagement and service projects. MACHS supports family-centered practices, and aims to create a community among individuals across campus that are interested in these subject

Honor Society

Kappa Omicron Nu

Kappa Omicron Nu is a national Honor Society for students seeking a major in the human environmental sciences or nutrition, health, and human performance. Majors at Meredith that are eligible for membership in the society are:

  • Child Development
  • Fashion Merchandising and Design
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Interior Design
  • Exercise and Sports Science
  • Food and Nutrition

Students are chosen from the sophomore, junior and senior classes for this honor. To be admitted to KON as a member, a student must be in the upper 25 percent of declared majors, declared a major, completed 45 semester hours and shown evidence of superior personal qualities and leadership potential. Students join Kappa Omicron Nu by invitation only.

Contact Information

Pamela Norcross
Associate Professor, Human & Environmental Sciences & Child Development Coordinator
216 Martin Hall
(919) 760-2357
Human Environmental Sciences Department »
School of Education Health & Human Sciences »
AIMSS website »