
Scholarships for chemistry majors include:

The GlaxoSmithKline Women in Science Scholars Program Scholarship offers a unique educational opportunity by coupling the scholarship with a mentoring program. Recipients are mentored by GlaxoSmithKline women in science-related careers who will share their experiences and successes, and focuses on helping the student set realistic expectations as they investigate their educational and career path. Students are often selected in their sophomore year.

The Elizabeth James Doetterer Scholarship is presented to a Chemistry major with an outstanding academic record who will pursue graduate or professional school.

The Moore Mixon Family Science Scholarship is awarded to either a rising chemistry or biology major seeking a B.S. in either field who has demonstrated leadership, creativity, and an aptitude for research.

The STEM Scholarship Programs provides a unique opportunity for talented students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM Scholars participate in a specialized learning community. Additionally, a mentoring program helps to prepare students for careers in industry, government, and education, as well as assists students in exploring options for graduate studies.

STEM at Meredith College

Learn more about the STEM programs at Meredith College.


Learn more about the STEM programs at Meredith College.

Contact Information
Sasha Ormond
Chair, Dept. of Chemistry, Physics, & Geoscience
203 Science/Mathematics Bldg.
(919) 760-2399
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