CCGC Members
Members of CCGC use Remind to keep in touch and receive important updates.
Please make sure you have downloaded the Remind app to your phones and are receiving messages. If you need help, reach out to Mrs. Bolin.
Below you can view and download the CCGC Handbook for members.
Below you can view and download the CCGC Calendar for members.
One of the easiest ways for parents and students with cell phones to receive quick announcements and reminders from CCGC is to sign up using the website or app that you can download to your phone. This will also be an easy way to communicate canceled rehearsals due to weather or other emergency circumstances. This will not be the primary form of communication for Call Sheets or other lengthy announcements, but is a way to receive short text reminders, or to use in case of cancellation or changes. Our Remind account is set up to only send messages and not receive them, so please do not reply to a message to report an absence or ask a question.
Send a text to the number 81010 from your phone with the corresponding code below in the body of your text message. Make sure to include the @ symbol and any other characters, and be sure to check your spelling of the codes below:
OR Text 81010 to @ccgchoir
For CCGC this season, we will not have one specific wardrobe for concerts and performances. We will require that all singers from each choir wear all black to concerts. This includes black shirt with sleeves, black pants or skirt/dress that lands at the knees or below, and black shoes. Occasionally, we will ask for a pop of color, such as a scarf, headband, piece of jewelry, or belt. See the CCGC Wardrobe Document for suggestions and links!
All singers should bring a pencil, CCGC music folder with music, and a water bottle.
We realize the importance of music study and practice and would like to encourage members to study their music at home. Each Chorus, Chorale, and Cantabile member is issued a music folder from the Meredith College Music Library. She is responsible for all copies of music checked out. At the end of the semester, when music is collected, the borrower will be billed $5.00 for each individual title that is missing, and $20.00 if the folder is missing. It is most important that choral music be brought to every rehearsal and performance. If you lose or misplace your music, please let your director know immediately.
Rehearsals for the choirs are held on the first floor of Jones/Wainwright Hall (music building) at Meredith College. Singers must check in with their choir’s Parent Assistant(s) or the Choir Administrator before rehearsal begins. Chorus rehearsal begins promptly at 5:00 pm, Chorale at 6:00 pm. It is vital for us to have the combined rehearsal time.
Each rehearsal will consist of vocal instruction, music reading skills, basic musicianship, and choral training. Because of the high quality of performance expected, attendance at all rehearsals is expected.
The rehearsal and performance schedules can be found on page five (5) of this document.
It is essential that every minute of our rehearsal is used wisely. We request that CCGC members get into the habit of arriving in plenty of time to accomplish the following before rehearsal time:
- Check in with Parent Assistant/Choir Administrator and turn in any forms, payments, or paperwork that is due to the Choir Administrator (located in the music office, Wainwright 104)
- Use the restroom
- Turn off and store all electronic devices
- Be in seat when rehearsals begin
- Have music, pencil, music folder, and water bottle ready
CCGC members are reminded that food, drinks, and gum are not allowed at either rehearsals or performances; however, water bottles are permitted at rehearsals. Cell phones are not to be used during rehearsals. Failure to properly store phones or other electronic devices during rehearsals will result in requiring them being placed into a basket prior to rehearsal for safe keeping.
Students should bring a pencil to all rehearsals, or better yet- leave a few in your folder so they are always on hand! We expect all CCGC members to behave appropriately while participating in choir activities. We share the Meredith facilities with many other people and there may be activities occurring simultaneously. Please behave accordingly. Recitals and other performances often take place in Carswell during CCGC rehearsal time, so our singers must respect those performers and keep the noise level down when in the halls.
Extra Rehearsals
Depending on the performance schedule, extra rehearsals may be required. Parents will be notified in advance of any additional rehearsals.
Rehearsal Cancelations
When Wake/ Durham County Public Schools close due to inclement weather, CCGC will not meet. Parents will be notified in advance of any other canceled rehearsals via the Remind app.
Drop Off / Pick Up
Students may be dropped off at the entrance to the Wainwright music building closest to their rehearsal.
To access the music office, Wainwright lobby, and the bathrooms,, the closest entrance is through the doors at the semi-circle drive. Parents may not park or wait in the semi-circle drive.
For rehearsals in Jones 121, the closest entrance is by the vending machines between Wainwright and Jones Hall Auditorium.
Chorus and Chorale students may not leave the building without an adult who is taking them home. If a student is able to drive themselves, they must communicate with the choir administrator/parent assistant(s).
Parents should be prompt at pick up times. Our staff and volunteers must wait until all singers have been picked up. Please respect their time and willingness to help by being on time to pick up your student. We encourage you to connect with other choir families to coordinate your own carpool for rehearsals and special events.
After completing a Vehicle Registration form on campus or online, CCGC families will receive a “Capital City Girls Choir” parking card for display when parking on campus. Campus Security now requires CCGC to maintain a list of license plate numbers for all vehicles as a security precaution.