If you’re a high school junior or senior taking advanced classes, knowing that your hard work will transfer as college credits will be an important factor in what school you choose to attend. Many students believe their credits will not transfer to a private school, but that’s not the case at Meredith.
Whether you’re in Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate classes or you’re attending an early college high school, we know you’ve worked hard for your credits. We want to ensure you get the most out of them. In this blog post, we’ll go over all the credits we accept so you’ll know where you stand once you graduate.
The College Board launched the AP program in 1955, and since then, a significant number of high school students have chosen to participate in these courses. AP classes are often taken alongside regular high school classes and give you a college-level curriculum that you can then transfer as credits to your chosen college or university.
Meredith awards credits for acceptable AP test scores. For example, if you take English Language and Composition, you will need to earn a score of 3, 4, or 5 in order for it to count as credits. If you earn a 3, you will be granted 3 credit hours, which will count as an elective. If you earn a 4 or 5, it will count as 3 credit hours and ENG 111.
You can download the Credit Opportunities for High School Advanced Placement Courses to view the list of minimum scores you must obtain and the course it satisfies at Meredith.
The IB is a rigorous high school program for juniors and seniors and is a highly respected college preparatory curriculum.
At Meredith, we honor the value of the IB and award credit for acceptable IB test scores. For instance, if you complete a biology IB course and earn at least a 5 on the test, you will be awarded 4 semester hours and gain the equivalent of Meredith’s BIO 110/151 class.
Download the IB Policy for the full list of scores needed and the equivalent courses.
Sometimes students earning dual credit (high school and college credit that’s earned simultaneously) and early college high school (ECHS) students and administrators mistakenly believe that earning college credit classifies these students as transfer students. All ECHS and dual credit students will apply to Meredith as first-year students. You will be transferring significant credit to Meredith, but you are not a transfer student. Transfer students have previously graduated from high school and enrolled in college after high school graduation.
Meredith accepts college credits that you earn as a high school student, whether you attend an Early College High School or are dual enrolled.
If you’re a North Carolinian and you’ve earned your associate degree at a North Carolina community college, you’ll enter Meredith under our articulation agreement with North Carolina community colleges. You will enter Meredith as a first-year student but with junior standing.
We’re here to support you and answer any questions you may have during your college search. This can be an exciting and sometimes challenging time, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. Learn more about how your credits will transfer by contacting admissions@meredith.edu or visiting meredith.edu/admissions.
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