Undocu-Meredith Training Opportunities for Faculty and Staff

Meredith’s DEI Program is sponsoring two employee training opportunities led by UndocuCarolina in May. Both are open to all Meredith employees.

UndocuCarolina is a collaboration of UNC students, faculty, staff, and community members working to increase visibility, support, and resources for members of the community living with the effects of undocumentation.

The first program, UndocuMeredith, will be held on May 17 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 

UndocuMeredith Workshop Learning Objectives

  1. Become familiar with federal, state, and university laws and policies related to undocumentation and higher ed.
  2. Build understanding and empathy with those most closely impacted by restrictive immigration policies.
  3. Deconstruct harmful narratives about undocumented communities in favor of immigrant-friendly language and framing.
  4. Learn about campus and community resources
  5. Leave with at least one way that you can be an ally to Meredith’s undocumented community

Register Online for UndocuMeredith 

The second session is Train the Trainer UndocuMeredith, on May 18 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. This session is open to all Meredith employees who first complete the May 17 UndocuMeredith workshop.

Trained Facilitator Expectations

  1. Pre-requisite to the train the trainer is participation in the May 17 UndocuMeredith training.
  2. Participants will be expected to co-lead a training session at least once a year.
  3. Be aware of the resources available on campus and in the community for undocumented students
  4. Reflect on your observations from the ally training, dig deeper into the content of the training, and learn best practices for facilitation, storytelling, and legal education.

Register Online for Train the Trainer UndocuMeredith  

View flyers for UndocuMeredith Workshop and Train the Trainer UndocuMeredith.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330
