Students Work to Make Sure Meredith Votes
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Students in a political science class are working to make sure Meredith students participate in the 2020 election.
The class, known as “Meredith Votes,” includes six students whose mission is to “inform the students at Meredith on the different types of voting, the candidates, and empower women to vote on our campus.”
Hunter Klas, ’23, who is serving as a Campus Election Engagement Project (CEEP) fellow this year, is supporting the Meredith Votes effort. CEEP Fellows work with the nonpartisan engagement teams on their campus.
“Reaching out to their peers, CEEP Fellows help register students to vote, navigate them through voting rules, distribute our nonpartisan candidate guides and other educational materials, and organize and carry out Get Out The Vote events,” Klas said.
One of their tools is a Meredith-focused “Get Out the Vote” voter education site, which includes important dates during election season, links to nonpartisan voting guides, and a form through which students can contact the Meredith Votes students for more information.
Klas urges all Meredith students to vote and make their voices heard.
“My goal for this fellowship is to really make sure every student at Meredith is truly informed about the candidates and knows how to register to vote and where to find that information,” Klaus said. “As citizens of the United States, I feel that it is part of our duty to vote and to be informed about what is happening around us.”
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