Student Leadership & Service Programs Help Students Connect 

At Meredith, students can explore their passion areas, gain a deeper understanding of self, and build a community of friends through Meredith’s vibrant campus life!  The Office of Student Leadership and Service (SLS) provides students with opportunities to engage in campus activities, develop and practice leadership skills, and serve the community.  Parents and families can encourage their students to participate in campus programming and co-curricular experiences to make the most of their time at Meredith.

From joining a campus club to participating in leadership and service programs, there are a wide-range of opportunities available.  Students can browse the list of over 100 Meredith student organizations and a calendar of campus activities on MC Connect, Meredith’s student involvement website,  For a full list of available leadership, service, and activities programs, visit the SLS website at  For more information and to receive updates about programs and services coordinated by SLS, follow us on social media (@MeredithSLS).

Incoming and first year students are encouraged to participate in Meredith’s Week of Welcome programs, the first Class of 2025 Freshman Class Meeting, and the Class of 2025 Freshman Elections process. See the opportunities below for more information.

    • Week of Welcome:  Meredith is excited to welcome all students back to campus!  This year Meredith College is hosting a Week of Welcome with over 20 programs coordinated by campus departments and student organizations.  Week of Welcome activities will be hosted between August 14-27, 2021. The events will be a collection of fun and interactive activities and initiatives highlighting educational resources available on campus. Week of Welcome activities are open to all Meredith students.
    • Freshman Class Meeting:  On August 24, members of the Class of 2025 are asked to attend the first Freshman Class Meeting hosted by the Student Government Association. At this meeting, students will hear important campus-wide/class announcements, learn about traditions, and meet the SGA Executive Board and other organization presidents! Throughout the academic year, routine class meetings will be hosted by the Class of 2025 officers to share additional class updates and build community among classmates. 
    • Freshman Elections: Serving as an elected freshman class officer is a great way for students to expand their leadership skills and support the Class of 2025! At the beginning of the school year, students will have the opportunity to run for one of the 30+ elected class officer positions. Officer positions range from Class President to Cornhuskin’ Co-Chair. Students interested in running for an elected officer position must attend an Elections Information Session the week of August 23-27, coordinated by the SGA Elections Board. During the information session, details will be provided about the election process and requirements for running for an officer position. Members of the Class of 2025 will have the opportunity to vote for their elected class officers on September 13-14. 

Parents and families, we appreciate your support by encouraging your Meredith student to participate in campus programming!  For questions, please feel free to contact the SLS office at

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330