Staying Strong Updates 8/26/20

Staying Strong Updates are reminders that will be helpful during the Fall 2020 semester. Items are either of interest to faculty/staff or on topics about which students may ask questions.

Reporting Known COVID Exposures
For the sake of individuals and the entire Meredith community, all known COVID exposures must be reported. Students must report their exposure to a known positive or if they have symptoms to Student Health immediately. Reports of student exposures should be made via email to Employees must report their COVID exposures to the Office of Human Resources at (919) 760-8898 or Pandemic leave has been established for illness or waiting periods to prevent having to use vacation or other sick leave. Visit Meredith’s Community Standards page for more on what to do if an employee is sick or exposed to COVID.

If a student contacts a faculty or staff member about their own COVID exposure or symptoms, employees are asked to please remind the student to make an official report to Meredith Student Health at 

Clarifying Community Standards
Meredith’s Community Standards include guidance on the importance of wearing face coverings, physical distancing, and proper hygiene. During the first week of classes, there was  some confusion regarding some of this guidance. The “Three Ws,” which are Wearing a Face Covering, Waiting Six Feet Apart, and Washing Hands (or using sanitizer) work best together. The best, safest practice is to wear a cloth face covering (not a gaiter) any time you are outside of your personal office or residence, and distancing is also important, even when you are wearing a mask.

As with the Meredith College Honor Code, failure to adhere to the College’s Community Standards is subject to disciplinary action. When the Office of the Dean of Students or residence life staff receive reports of violations by students of Meredith’s Community Standards, staff will follow the established procedures to address the actions. The staff will determine if an Educational Warning will be issued or if the matter will be referred to the Community Standards Task Force for review and consideration of other sanctions. A range of sanctions will be considered, as outlined in the Meredith College Student Handbook. Repeated or egregious actions will be subject to more severe sanctions, including fines and/or a partial or full removal from classes, on-campus living, educational activity, or other sanctions. Read detailed information about the student Community Standards Reporting Process and Outcomes.

Using the CampusClear app to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms is another important part of our efforts to keep the Meredith community healthy. A set of Frequently Asked Questions has been developed to help students, faculty, staff, and guests understand how to use the app. The FAQs include directions on what to do if you do not have a compatible device.

For more information, visit the Staying Strong website, which includes resources, community standards for safety, and other guidance, at

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330