
Scholar Sips Series Kicks Off in September

In conjunction with the Office of Alumnae Relations, the Department of History, Political Science, and International Studies and Raleigh Brewing Company will kick off the new season of our Scholar Sips Series on Tuesday, September 28 at 5 p.m. We will have limited seating in person at RBC and continue to offer virtual access via Zoom. 

Associate Professor of Spanish Kevin Hunt, in the Department of World Languages and Cultures, and Dakotah Kelly, representing RBC’s homebrew shop, will talk about a few fall-friendly styles such as Octoberfest, Saison, Porter, and Dunkel. Their talk will focus on  

  • Overall characteristics and what makes the style unique
  • A brief history of how the style came about and how it has evolved
  • Some commercial examples of the style, including both ‘classics’ and more modern, adventurous takes
  • Brief summary of things to take into consideration when brewing the style


Our programming brings together the expertise of members of the Meredith community, RBC staff, and others from Raleigh and across the state. We highlight the craft beer industry, women in business, and will also take inspiration from Meredith’s anti-racism initiative to address various relevant and timely topics. If you have ideas for a program, would like to give a talk, or would like additional information, please contact Angela Robbins at or Dan Fountain at

We hope you will plan to join us! Click here to find the link to register for in-person attendance and also to access the Zoom link.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330