Meredith Hosts High School Day of Dance

The Meredith College Dance Program hosted its High School Day of Dance on October 28, 2022. This was the first time the event had been held since 2019.

Approximately 400 students from 24 high schools participated, taking classes from Meredith dance faculty, alumnae, and community members. Fourteen of the schools presented dances on Meredith’s Jones Auditorium stage.

“We also collaborated with The American Dance Festival for the first time to have faculty teach and staff speak to students about summer dance opportunities and scholarships. This was unique because ADF is an internationally recognized dance festival housed in Durham, NC.,” said Instructor of Dance Courtney White, who coordinated the event. 

White said the purpose of the High School Day of dance is to support public high school dance programs and teachers.

“It’s an opportunity for students to see what other high school dance programs look like and to celebrate and share dance,” White said. “It also gives the Dance Education majors an opportunity to meet and connect with teachers in the field. All around, it’s visibility for everyone; the Meredith dance program, our students, the high schools, and the community dance teachers.”

Participants indicated that they were leaving the High School Day of Dance feeling supported, grateful, and inspired.

“We received lovely feedback from the dancers and the teachers. The energy and enthusiasm the students brought to their classes and the stage was incredible,” White said. “The teachers were grateful for the opportunity to connect with their peers and to provide a new learning experience for their students.”

In addition to supporting the high school dance community, the event was a learning experience for Meredith students. White praised dance students for their support.

“Meredith dance students play a large role in hosting this event. They assist in planning, act as class monitors/assistants, help students navigate from class to class, and of course, clean up. Without them, the event would not be possible. They do a wonderful job answering questions and love showing others what dance is like here at Meredith.”

Melyssa Allen

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