
Meredith College Announces New Post-Baccalaureate Licensure Program

Meredith College will begin offering a post-baccalaureate licensure in the arts beginning in Fall 2021. This new program will offer an A-Level license in K-12 art, dance, or theatre to anyone who has an appropriate undergraduate degree or completed a formal review by the designated departments. 

While the program is ideal for residency teachers who are already teaching art, dance, or theatre, it could also benefit those interested in obtaining their initial license before they start teaching.

Department heads spearheading the program believe the new program will provide alumnae and other college graduates with a highly-requested solution to pursuing licensure. The Department of Education receives many inquiries about licensure-only programs for candidates who  either did not pursue teaching licensure as an undergraduate or already have a teaching position and need to complete a licensure program. By leveraging professional studies courses from Meredith’s Master of Arts in Teaching program and adapting existing arts education methods courses, this new offering provides both of these kinds of prospective students with an ideal pathway to licensure.

What excites us about this program is the ability to connect practicing artists with students in K-12 classrooms. We are the only institution in the region to offer this type of program to meet the needs of teachers in the arts who are excited to bring their talent to the classroom. Our students will be supported as they take those first steps into teaching, and K-12 students will benefit from their teacher’s real-world experience.

In addition to benefiting students, this new offering results in the College being designated as an Educator Preparatory Program (EPP) for art, dance, and theatre in North Carolina. Completing an approved EPP program is a state requirement for becoming a fully licensed teacher, so this designation elevates the credibility and reputation of Meredith’s programs. 

Learn more about the post-baccalaureate licensure in the arts.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
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