Maximizing Meredith’s Video Content

Visit the Meredith College YouTube Channel at to view all Meredith College’s official video content.

The types of Meredith College Videos available are:

  • Strong Stories – Highlight the personal story of a student, faculty of alumna/i who had a very strong experience at Meredith.
  • Program Videos – These videos highlight a particular program and/or area of study at Meredith College.  The format varies from a narrated voice over to an interview based format.  The videos sum up the strengths of a particular program.
  • Meredith Minutes – A Meredith Faculty member explains a subject of general interest within their area of expertise in a 60-90 second format.  These videos are engaging and contain interesting visuals to help strengthen the content of the faculty’s topic.
  • General Brand Videos – These videos are broad videos that highlight Meredith College as a whole while staying in alignment with the Going Strong brand.
  • Event Highlights – Quick videos that capture and documents various events held on campus.  These videos tend to be more time sensitive and generally are released close to the actual events.
  • Student Produced Content – In addition to the assets on the Meredith College channel we also have several pieces produced by student interns or student groups that are hosted on our Student Take Channel.

How to Subscribe
The best way to make sure you don’t miss one of Meredith’s new videos is to subscribe to the channel. When you subscribe to a channel you automatically are sent notifications about only the highlights from that channel. You can opt to get a notification every time the channel publishes content by changing your notification settings. Any videos the channel publishes will show up in your Subscriptions feed. This makes it simple to keep up with the content you care about.

When you are on the main channel page there is a button at the top of the screen that says Subscribe. Additionally, you can also subscribe to the channel while watching an individual video by clicking the subscribe button below the video title.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330