
Faculty/Staff Accomplishments July 2018

In this issue we celebrate the accomplishments of faculty and staff in English, history, human environmental sciences, international programs, music, religious and ethical studies, and research, planning and assessment.

Professor of History Dan Fountain attended the Gilder Lehrman Seminar at Yale from June 10-14. One of the major themes the seminar addressed was how the US has commemorated the Civil War and current debates about Confederate commemorative sites. This was a multidisciplinary seminar for full-time faculty members in history and related fields. It was co-sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History.

Shannon Grimes, Professor of Religious and Ethical Studies, presented her paper, “Zosimus & Theosebia: An Erotics of Alchemical Pedagogy,” at the Seventh International Conference of the Association for the Study of Esotericism, Rice University, Houston, May 24-27, 2018.

Instructor of English Jason Newport’s book review “Katalin Street” has just been published in Three Percent.

Director of Research, Planning and Assessment Dianne Raubenheimer and Survey and Report Coordinator Dilnavaz Sharma, along with Brooke Shurer, Director of International Programs, presented at the NCICU Assessment Conference on June 13 at High Point University. The presentation was titled “Capturing International Student Narratives: Towards an Enhanced Campus Experience and Student Success.”

Associate Professor of English Kelly Morris Roberts was interviewed by Arizona NPR station KJZZ about female protagonists in Young Adult Literature. The segment ran on July 3. The radio interview was based on a piece Roberts wrote for The Conversation in June.

Professor of Human Environmental Sciences Deborah Tippett presented a session on Empowering Students to Reach a Stronger Future at the AAFCS Annual Conference and Expo in Atlanta, GA on June 26, 2018.  As chair of the Global Perspectives Community, she led business meetings and a luncheon on Promoting Peace through Global Understanding.  

Associate Professor of Music Jim Waddelow conducted two June concerts of orchestral music at the Oklahoma Haydn Festival in Oklahoma City. As a cellist, he performed in five outreach concerts in several small towns across Oklahoma.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
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