
Faculty/Staff Accomplishments and News Briefs 11/15/2023

In this issue, we share the accomplishments of faculty and staff in art, chemistry, communication, and English. We also share information about the new Meredith College Student News (MCSN) newscast and the success of a Meredith team participating in a recent fundraiser.

Visiting Assistant Professor / Gallery Director Todd Jones has a two-person exhibition with Natalia Torres del Valle at the Diamante Arts & Culture Center in Raleigh. The exhibition is on display till November 24, and the show references the cycles of life, geology, and renewal.

Two of Assistant Professor of English Zach Linge’s poems are included in the anthology Another Last Call: Poems on Addiction & Deliverance, which was published by Sarabande Books in October. Contributors to the anthology include U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón, MacArthur Fellow Ocean Vuong, and Pulitzer Prize-winners Jericho Brown, Sharon Olds, and Diane Seuss.

Associate Professor of Chemistry Sasha Ormond presented a talk on “So you think you want to work at a PUI (Primarily Undergraduate Institution)” at SERMACS (Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society) on October 27, 2023. This is a conference hosted by the North Carolina local section of the American Chemical Society, of which Sasha is the Alternate Councilor, and served as the Registration and Facilities Chair of SERMACS.

Angela Smedley, an online adjunct for the Communication Department, was recently recognized with the Impact Award from the North Carolina Community College Association for Distance Learning. A distinction awarded for outstanding service and innovation in distance learning.

News Briefs

Meredith College Student News (MCSN)
Communication students are producing a biweekly newscast from the CHESS news studio. The program, Meredith College Student News (MCSN), features stories shot, written, and edited by students under the guidance of Dr. Lynn Owens, Associate Professor of Communication. Senior Freya Dahlgren serves as executive producer and anchor of the show. You can watch the program on YouTube @meredithcollegestudentnews and Instagram @mc.studentnews. 

Meredith Team Raises Funds for GBS|CIDP Foundation International

A Meredith College team formed in honor of Provost Matthew Poslusny participated in a Walk and Roll fundraiser on October 21. All money raised from Walk & Roll events goes towards research grants that the Foundation will award to leading experts in the field of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP), and related syndromes such as Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN), and variants. The Meredith team had the largest number of participants and raised the most money for this cause.Faculty and Staff group at the 2023 Raleigh Walk and Roll.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330