Campus Birthday Party Celebration February 27
- Published
The Office of Alumnae Relations invites the entire campus community to celebrate Meredith College’s 133rd birthday on February 27, 2024, from 1-3 p.m. in the Johnson Hall Rotunda.
Since February 27, 1891, Meredith has been Going Strong. The campus birthday celebration will feature remarks from President Jo Allen,’80, at 1:30 p.m. and attendees will enjoy giveaways, beverages, and birthday treats.
Make It Count for Meredith, the College’s 24 Hour Day of Giving, is also taking place on February 27. In conjunction with the Day of Giving, attendees will be a part of a Facebook Live and have an opportunity to sign thank you notes for our donors.
Please join the entire campus community to celebrate 133 years of Meredith College on February 27!
*Special thanks to Miranda Griffin Gurganus, ’20, for the creation of the birthday graphic used in this story.
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