Assessment Matters: Surveys conducted in fall 2019 and reports available

The Office of Research, Planning and Assessment administered a number of surveys this past fall. The following are some key surveys conducted in fall 2019 that helped us gather data that might have broader use on campus.

  • Residence Life Survey (evaluation of students’ on-campus living experience)
  • First Semester Student Success Survey (questionnaire focused on student retention)
  • Student Athletes’ Experience Survey (questions centered on student athletes’ experiences, interaction with staff, facility usage, and community service)
  • End of First Semester Survey (topics covered included First Year Experience, Summer Reading Program, and StrongPoints)
  • Freshman Orientation Survey – Freshman, Transfer, & WINGS (feedback on orientation day events and schedule)
  • Intramural and E-sports Interest Survey (designed to establish students’ level of interest in intramural sports as well as attitudes towards esports)
  • International (F-1 visa) Student Experience Assessment Survey (questions about international students’ satisfaction with on-campus experiences and services, as well as post-graduation support)
  • Study Abroad in Italy Program Evaluation (assessment of students’ satisfaction with pre-arrival preparation, program design, staff interactions, and course structure)

Fall 2019 Residence Life Survey

In partnership with Heidi LeCount, Meredith’s Director of Residence Life, RPA deployed the annual Residence Life Survey late last November. Through Resident Assistants/Residence Directors all resident students (575) were emailed links to the survey. A total of 300 students responded to the email invitation, allowing us to reach a response rate of 52%.

Students answered questions about their overall residence life experience, interaction with staff, social events, pre-arrival and ongoing communication from the Office of Residence life, networking and cable facilities, and open-house hours. The following are some highlights that show significant levels of student satisfaction with their Meredith living experiences:

  • 95% Strongly agree/agree that their residence hall living conditions are comfortable.
  • 95% Are very satisfied/satisfied with living on campus.
  • 93% Strongly agree/agree that their Resident Assistant treats all of her residents fairly and equally.
  • 92% Strongly agree/agree that their RA has worked to make their floor community welcoming and friendly.
  • 97% Strongly agree/agree that the information provided by the Residence Life Health and Safety Policy is useful.

Please contact RPA  at for additional information about any of the surveys listed above or specific sub-reports based on the fall 2019 surveys.

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330