Assessment Matters: BCSSE and NSSE results available
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During orientation in fall 2016, incoming first year students completed the BCSSE (Beginning College Survey of Student Engagement), and 51% also completed the NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement) in spring 2017. This matched sample showed that the majority of first year students reported being engaged at a relative level that exceeds their pre-college experiences, or sustains already high levels of engagement, on all indicators examined, with student-faculty interactions having the highest level of engagement. Other indicators included in this comparative BCSSE-NSSE report were: quantitative reasoning, learning strategies, collaborative learning, discussion with diverse others, and supportive environment.
NSSE results include comparisons to other institutions that participated in the survey nationally. Senior students at Meredith College rated their educational experiences significantly higher than other students nationally on nine of ten Engagement Indicators in four themes. Quantitative reasoning was the only dimension rated at the same level as other institutions.
Graduating seniors at Meredith College report participating in significantly more High Impact Practices (HIPS) than do students at other institutions nationally, including,
The items on which students rated their Meredith experiences the highest are:
(HIP= high impact practice, SF=student-faculty interaction, SE=supportive environment)
Students also completed a series of questions relating to the development of transferable skills. Meredith students rated themselves higher in all areas than other college students nationally, and significantly higher on many skills, including working with diverse others, presenting different points of view, ethical consequences of actions, assessing conclusions, and use of information from various sources. Data from this part of the NSSE survey will be included in longitudinal assessment of the General Education curriculum.
NSSE reports by academic program are currently being prepared and will be sent to all assessment liaisons and department heads in October.
Data for all Meredith students and the Pocket Guide to 2017 results are also available on the RPA MyMeredith site. Please contact Dianne Raubenheimer if you need further analysis of NSSE results.
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