Assessment Matters: Access Information on RPA’s MyMeredith Page

Research Planning and Assessment (RPA), as part of our effort to gather data that informs institutional effectiveness, conducts a number of internal and external surveys each year and guides individual campus units through periodic self-studies or Comprehensive Program Assessment (CPA). RPA also publishes enrollment and dashboard reports annually. Information on these and all other RPA initiatives can be found on RPA’s MyMeredith campus site by following the simple steps listed below.

Note: This site is only available to faculty, staff and students.

  • Select the tab that denotes your primary role on campus and when you get to the “Home” page click on the “Menu” label in the top left corner of your screen.

  • Under “Menu” options select “Campus Sites.”

  • Under “Campus Sites” scroll down to the “Research Planning and Assessment” listing.

  • Clicking on “Research Planning and Assessment” will take you to RPA’s campus site on MyMeredith where you can find multiple assessment resources under the following headings:
    • Meredith Forever Strategic Plan
    • Comprehensive Program Assessment (CPA), including the CPA manual
    • Continuous Improvement Reports (CIR), including the CIR template
    • Institutional Survey Reports, including key survey report summaries and trend reports
    • SACSCOC Accreditation
    • Council for Institutional Effectiveness (CIE) 
    • Institutional Reports, including enrollment reports
    • Assessment Mini-grants
    • Assessment Information & Updates
    • Requesting a Survey, including the Meredith survey policy and a survey request form  

If you have any questions about RPA’s MyMeredith campus site or any other assessment-related matter, please contact Dianne Raubenheimer ( or Dilnavaz Mirza Sharma ( in the Office of Research, Planning, and Assessment. 

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330