
Are You Interested In Supporting Meredith?

The Parents and Families Council is a group of dedicated parents/families of current and former Meredith students. Parents & Families Council members show their commitment and belief in the value of a Meredith education by serving the College in many ways: they attend Parents & Families Council meetings & events including hearing from and/or visiting with President Jo Allen, acting as ambassadors for the College at Admissions events, Cornhuskin’, and Move-in Day, acting as advisors by offering insights and feedback about their daughters’ experiences on campus, and providing financial leadership to The Parents & Families Fund.

If you would like to:

  • learn about what’s happening at Meredith and offer feedback
  • help launch and be a part of Parents & Families Projects
  • serve as an ambassador at Meredith events
  • play a leadership role in annual giving

then contact Kim McCall Whitley, ‘85, Parents Gift Officer, at (919) 760-8070 or

Melyssa Allen

News Director
316 Johnson Hall
(919) 760-8087
Fax: (919) 760-8330