Alumnae Panel Discusses Workplace Communication

Meredith College Networking Angels hosted the 1891 Club student organization for the Fourth Annual Networking Dinner on February 6, 2018. Forty alumnae and students gathered to enjoy dinner and hear a panel of Meredith College staff and alumnae share experiences and tips on workplace communication.

There are four generations in today’s workforce, so the evening aimed to give students perspectives about generational differences in communication and  allowed them to practice networking in a friendly environment. The focus of the panel discussion included recognizing the stereotypes that prevent individuals from understanding a different generation,  differences that cause worker dissatisfaction and attrition, and communication skills that help bridge the gap effectively between generations.

Camille Stuckey Stell, ’84, vice president of client services at Lawyers Mutual Liability Insurance Company of N.C., was the moderator at the event. On the panel were Caitlyn DeBona Holland, ’14, development tester at SAS Institute, Cameron Fisher, ’05, assistant vice president for business relationship management at Wells Fargo, and Lennie Barton, vice president of institutional advancement at Meredith.

The Alumnae Relations Office coordinates both the Networking Angels and the 1891 Club. The Networking Angels is an organization of Meredith alumnae that provide a way for graduates to connect professionally, build and nurture professional relationships, and help current students and graduates develop their careers. The 1891 Club is devoted to helping current students prepare for lifelong relationships with the College as partners, advocates, and investors.

— submitted by Taylor Wilson Twine, ʼ13

Melyssa Allen

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