
2018 Retired Faculty and Staff Luncheon Held

On Friday, September 7, 2018, a group of 72 retired faculty and staff gathered in Belk Dining Hall to enjoy fellowship, hear a State of the College from President Jo Allen, and learn more about the Beyond Strong Campaign.

President Allen’s State of the College included information about new academic programs and partnerships, StrongPoints, undergraduate enrollment, study abroad, new renovations on campus, marketing efforts, and energy initiatives. An update on Beyond Strong │The Campaign for Meredith was given sharing with the attendees that more than $86 million has been raised and the campaign will continue until December 31.

In closing remarks, former Vice President of Academic Programs Allen Page spoke about the importance of current and retired faculty and staff giving.

“Since the beginning of the Campaign your contributions have been important,” said Page. “Current and planned gifts are appreciated and your support shows that all Meredith does is important in educating strong women for many generations.”

Melyssa Allen

News Director
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