A fashion merchandising and design major with a design concentration, Tyler Pharr, ’21, is headed to New York City, where she’ll be pursuing a master’s degree in fashion studies at The New School.
“In college, I have learned to give myself grace in all that I do. For much of my college career, I was so concerned about being perfect all the time that my mistakes or shortcomings were almost detrimental to my mental health. Learning that I can still be successful and happy without perfectionism is something that I will forever keep in mind, even as I continue to work at dismantling this ‘no mistakes’ ideology I have about my work.
My favorite strength is my Futuristic strength. It has always served me well with my art and scholarly work, but especially in my activism. As president of Black Student Union (BSU), this strength allowed me to be innovative in creating community and helping to change campus policy. None of it would have been possible without my fellow members and of course, Dean [Tomecca] Sloane.
Many people are unaware how hard it is being a woman of color at a historically white institution. The constant proving your talent and intelligence has detrimental effects on your mental health. There is no conquering of this battle, yet there is a bittersweet victory in surviving such an institution. None of it is possible without a sister circle, and I was lucky to have had many sisters.
Regardless of the struggles I had, Meredith was an amazing school and I met so many amazing people. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a leader on campus and be the change I want to see in the world and here at MC.
I will be moving to New York City in the fall to attend The New School and pursue a master’s degree in Fashion Studies with a concentration in Fashion Journalism. I am super excited and cannot wait to see what the city has in store for me.”
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