According to Olivia Brown, ’20, identifying her top strengths helped her better understand herself. They also served her well during her internship as a frontend software developer at HCL Technologies, where she has accepted a full-time position after graduation.
“I think what makes me strong is my motivation to do my best at everything I do,” said Olivia. “I find myself being very internally motivated, which is my achiever strength playing a role, but I am also externally motivated by others to do my best, which is my competition strength kicking in.”
Olivia said she benefited from the networking session and career fair events held on campus, which gave her easy access to information about job opportunities and allowed her to talk with recruiters face to face.
A computer science major, Olivia appreciated Meredith’s low student/faculty ratio, observing that it allows students to receive valuable academic guidance that is specific to their particular needs.
“Since the professors get a chance to know their students more individually, they truly become invested in our success and our well-being,” said Olivia. “Having a closer relationship allows students to become more comfortable asking questions and participating in class.”
She was initially intimidated by one of her faculty members, but then came to understand him and now credits him with having a powerful impact on her academic experience.
“One professor-student relationship I have developed over the years at Meredith was with my main computer science professor, Dr. Schmidl. After having him for three years I have no problem asking him questions via email, in class, or during his office hours,” she said. “I really appreciate all of his help and support.”
In addition to her academics, Olivia also enjoyed the traditions at Meredith, especially Cornhuskin’ and Alice in Wonderland, experiences she said made “lifetime memories,” including sleeping outside all night to be first in line for tickets to Alice.
As Olivia prepares to leave Meredith and enter the workforce, she takes with her a greater understanding of her own independence, efficiency, and an increased sense of self-confidence.
“I have the ability to do anything I put my mind to.”
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