Breanna Sullins

Everything just felt right for Breanna Sullins, ’15, from the moment she turned onto Main Campus Drive for Move-In Day in August 2011. There was something about the clatter of students welcoming her to Meredith that confirmed she’d chosen the right college. Since then, she’s trusted her instincts to guide her toward success.

She got involved on campus by becoming a resident assistant (RA) during her sophomore year. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more stressed or had more fun in my life,” she said.

It was a challenging role, but Breanna isn’t one to shy away from a challenge. She was able to build strengths in conflict resolution, creative planning, and standing up for herself and others. “I learned that it’s okay to be assertive,” she said.

Her experience as an RA isn’t the only time she’s stretched the boundaries of her comfort zone at Meredith. As a psychology major, Breanna conducted ongoing undergraduate research. Part of the research process includes presenting findings in a public forum – something Breanna has done at Celebrating Student Achievement and A Taste of Research.

“I normally have such a fear of public speaking,” she said. “But by [making these presentations] I’m becoming more confident and comfortable.”

Comfort with public speaking and effective communication was also important for Breanna’s work with the Meredith Autism Program (MAP).

There she worked one-on-one with children who are diagnosed on the autism spectrum. It was a perfect opportunity for her to put what she learned in class – for her major and child developmentminor – into action.

“I got to do what I love daily,” she said. “It gave me credit toward my major and experience that puts me ahead of the game. I did things at Meredith that most people don’t get to do or learn until graduate school.”

All of this has made her more self-assured. “I know I can do anything I put my mind to,” she said. “My determination and belief in myself makes me strong.”