Kelly Wilder

Kelly Wilder

Assistant Professor of Marketing

Harris 233

(919) 760-8831

Academic Credentials

Ph.D., Mississippi State University, 2015

MBA, Florida State University, 2008

B.S., Finance, Auburn University, 2002


Graham, Kenneth and Kelly M. Wilder (2020), “Consumer-Brand Identity and Online Advertising Message Elaboration: Effect on Attitudes, Purchase Intent and Willingness to Share,” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 14 (1), pg. 111-132.

Graham, Kenneth W. and Wilder, Kelly M. (2013).  “The Impact of Anti-brand Advertising and Brand Attitude:  The Role of Consumer-Brand Identification,” (summary brief), Marketing Identity, John D. Brand, ed., Society for Marketing Advances, Hilton Head, S

Horky, Alisha B., Kelly M. Wilder, and Toni Ford (2012), “What’s That Doing Here? Toward an Understanding of Product-Retailer Brand Incongruity,” Southeast Marketing Symposium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

Wilder, Kelly M. (2012), “Everybody Knows I Love that Brand!: Toward an Understanding of Brand Advocacy,” Southeast Marketing Symposium, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.

Wilder, Kelly M. (2011), “The Role of Service Climate in Adaptive Service Offerings,” Southeast Marketing Symposium, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS.

Wilder, Kelly M. (2010), “The Ripple Effects of Rage: How Outraged Customers Affect Others,” Southeast Marketing Symposium, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.


Meredith College School of Business Faculty Service Award, 2018

Sheth AMA Doctoral Consortium Fellow, 2011

Graduate Service Assistant of the Year, Graduate Student Association, Mississippi State University, 2011

Society for Marketing Advances Conference Best Paper in Track Marketing Research, 2009

Society for Marketing Advances Doctorial Consortium Fellow, 2009


Graham, Kenneth and Kelly M. Wilder (2020), “Consumer-Brand Identity and Online Advertising Message Elaboration: Effect on Attitudes, Purchase Intent and Willingness to Share,” Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 14 (1), pg. 111-132.

Mishra, Karen E, Wilder, Kelly, and Mishra, Anil. (2017), “Digital Literacy in the Marketing Curriculum: Are Female College Students Prepared for Digital Jobs?”, Industry and Higher Education, Vol. 13, No. 3, 204-211.

Wilder, Kelly M., Joel E. Collier, Donald C. Barnes (2014), “Tailoring to Customers’ Needs: Understanding How to Promote an Adaptive Service Experience With Frontline Employees,” Journal of Service Research 17 (4), pg. 446-459.

Wilder, Kelly M. Collier, Joel E., and Barnes, Donad C. (2014), “Tailoring to Customers’ Needs:  Understanding How to Promote an Adaptive Service Experience with Frontline Employees,” Journal of Service Research.

Conference Proceedings

Mishra, K.E., Wilder, K.M., and Mishra, A. (2015), “Updating the Marketing Curriculum: Blending Student, Professor, and Market Demands,” (summary brief), Marketing Management Associaton’s Fall Educator’s Conference:  San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Graham, Kenneth W. and Kelly M. Wilder (2013), “The Impact of Anti-brand Advertising and Brand Attitude: The Role of Consumer-Brand Identification,” (summary brief), Marketing Identity, John D. Brand, ed. (Society for Marketing Advances: Hilton Head, SC), pp. 205-206.

Wilder, Kelly M. and Michael Breazeale (2012), “Everybody Knows I love That Brand! Toward an Understanding of Brand Advocacy,” (summary brief), The What and ‘So What’ of Brand Relationships, Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale, and Jill Avery, eds. (Consumer-Brand Relationships: Simmons School of Management, Boston, MA).

Blakeney, Alisha, Kelly M. Wilder, and Toni-Rochelle Ford (2012), “What’s That Doing Here? Toward an Understanding of Product-Retailer Brand Incongruity,” (summary brief), The What and ‘So What’ of Brand Relationships, Susan Fournier, Michael Breazeale, and Jill Avery, eds. (Consumer-Brand Relationships:  Simmons School of Management, Boston, MA) p. 21.

Wilder, Kelly M. and Cynthia Webster (2011), “An Exploration of the Effects of Motivational Priming on Consumers’ Food Portion Size Change Intentions,” (summary brief), Marketing 2011:  Delivering Value in Turbulent Times, Stephanie M. Noble and Charles H. Noble, eds. (American Marketing Association:  San Francisco, CA), pp. 220-221.

Wilder, Kelly M., Joel E. Collier, and Donald C. Barnes (2011), “The Role of Service Climate in Adaptive Service Offerings,” (summary brief), Marketing Theory and Applications, Raji Srinivasan and Leigh McAlister, eds. (American Marketing Association, Austin, TX), pp. 66-67.

Wilder, Kelly M. and Cynthia Webster (2010), “Motivational Priming and Consumers’ Food Portion Sizes.” (summary brief), Marketing in a Turbulent Environment, Uen Young Kim, ed. (Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan), pp.120-127.

Wilder, Kelly M., Allyn White, and Cynthia Webster (2009), “Toward an Understanding of the Consumer-Food Relationship,” (summary brief), Embracing Challenges and Changes – A Global Perspective, William J. Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, eds. (New Orleans, LA), pp. 163-164. *Best Paper in Track Award

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